Do You Need an Anti-Scald Valve in Your Shower?

Posted on: 15 February 2017

Have you ever struggled to get the water in your shower to an ideal temperature that's comfortable for your body? If so, you understand the frustration of dealing with too hot or too cold water. If the water is too hot, it can end up burning your skin. If it's too cold, the shower will be uncomfortable the entire time. Finding the right balance of water temperature can be difficult without a device to control it. Here you will learn about an anti-scald valve, how to determine whether you need this device and how to have it fitted in your shower.

What is an anti-scald valve?

An anti-scald valve controls the temperature of hot water in the shower. Also known as a tempering valve, this piece of equipment mixes cold water with outgoing hot water from the shower so that it's not hot enough to burn someone. Without an anti-scald valve, changes in the water pressure in your home can cause the hot water in the shower to heat beyond the acceptable temperature range. When this happens, anyone using the shower at the time can get burnt by the hot water.

When do you need an anti-scald valve?

An anti-scald valve is a critical component in every shower. No matter how hard you try to adjust your water to the right temperature, it can still be affected by other factors beyond your control. For example, if someone flushes the toilet while you are using the shower, the sudden change in water pressure can cause the water to turn scalding hot in an instant.

The sudden hot water can cause you to jump in the shower and get injured. Slip and fall accidents are also common in the bathroom as a result of the sudden fluctuation of the water's temperature. To avoid these dangers, it is essential to install an anti-scald valve in your bathroom. The device will always ensure that the temperature of the water is not too high regardless of other factors that may affect the water pressure in your bathroom.

How do you install an anti-scald valve?

To install an anti-scald valve, you will have to disassemble your shower's handle so that you can access the line that supplies water to the shower. The process is a little technical as you will be required to cut the line and reconnect it after installing the valve. Most valves come with manufacturer instructions on how to fit them into the shower. For the best installation, consider hiring plumbing services.

As long as your shower doesn't have an anti-scald valve, you will be exposed to the risk of getting scalded by hot water. Contact your plumber so that they can install this device so that you can enjoy a safe and comfortable shower.
