3 Myths About Clearing Blocked Drains

Posted on: 28 September 2022

If you're someone who hasn't studied plumbing, you perhaps don't know much about blocked drains. And when it comes to fixing them, myths abound. This blog post will debunk three of the most common drain blockage myths. So read on, and you can learn exactly what not to do when clearing a blocked drain.

1. Myth: Pouring boiling water down the drain will clear it

If you've ever had to deal with a blocked sink or drain, you will understand some of the frustration of trying to clear the pipe. You may have been tempted to pour boiling water down the drain in order to melt the grease and break up the clog. However, this is actually a really terrible idea, as it can end up melting the grease and causing it to harden further down the pipes. Instead, you should use a plunger or a drain snake. These tools are designed to break up clogs without damaging your pipes. Of course, you can always call a plumber for assistance if you're still having trouble.

2. Myth: All you need is a plumber's snake to clear a blocked drain

A plumber's snake is helpful for clearing minor blockages in your drains. Also known as a drain auger, this coiled metal spiral can be inserted into your drain and used to break up clogs. Plumber's snakes are available in various sizes, so you can choose the one that's right for your particular drain. However, a plumber's snake may not be enough to clear it if you have a large blockage. In a case such as this, it may be best to call a plumber. Plumbers have the training and experience necessary to safely and effectively clear even the most stubborn blockages. In addition, they have access to powerful tools, such as hydro jetters, that can quickly clear away even the most stubborn clogs.

3. Myth: You can clear a blocked drain with a wire hanger

If you have a clogged drain, it's essential to clear it before the problem worsens. However, using a wire hanger to clear the drain is ineffective and can cause more damage to your pipes. The wire can catch on the side of the pipe, scoring the surface and leaving behind sharp edges. In addition, pushing the wire too far down the drain can cause it to become wedged in the pipe, making it even more difficult to remove. 

If you have a blocked drain, call a plumber for help.
