Essential Considerations for Choosing the Right Drainage Grates for a Commercial Kitchen

Posted on: 7 August 2020

The drainage system in a commercial kitchen is worth paying close attention to because it determines hygiene. The busy nature of a commercial kitchen demands that wastewater drain away effectively to avoid wet floors. For this reason, choosing the right drainage grates is critical for a commercial kitchen. However, commercial kitchen managers need to work closely with plumbers to install the right drainage grates. This article highlights essential considerations in this regard.

Proper Fit -- When planning to install drainage grates in a commercial kitchen, proper fit ranks high in the list of objectives. Commercial kitchens are very busy, with chefs and waiters moving from one station to another while carrying hot fluids and dishes. Therefore, tripping accidents must be eliminated at all costs. The only way to reduce the possibility of trips in a commercial kitchen is to install grates that are flush with the floor. It means that plumbers must take accurate measurements of a drainage trench. It ensures that a drainage grate perfectly fits in a trench, leading to a flush floor with no protruding parts. Consequently, it eliminates potential trips, thereby promoting safety in a commercial kitchen.

Non-Slip Surface -- Safety in a commercial kitchen is of utmost importance to management and employees. Since it is impossible to eliminate spilled liquids in a commercial kitchen entirely, it is critical to keep the effects to a minimum. However, even small amounts of liquids on smooth stainless steel grates pose a significant danger. The only way to avoid accidents is to choose grates with a non-slip surface. These drainage grates have anti-slip features on the surface, which goes a long way toward preventing slip hazards. However, it is critical to note that a drainage grate with a high slip-resistance rating is not enough. The objective is to install stainless steel drainage grates with a slip-resistance rating that is similar or close to that of the floor material.

No Sharp Edges -- Drainage clogging in commercial kitchens is nothing new to plumbers and facility managers. While plumbers address most clogging issues, it does not mean that employees cannot solve simple clogging problems, such as debris accumulation. In fact, the management of drainage issues by employees is the best route since it eliminates downtime. Since you have to remove a drainage grates to clear a trench, stainless steel grates should not have sharp edges. It makes it easy and safe for employees to lift grates from drainage ditches for cleaning.

To learn more, contact a stainless steel drainage grate supplier.
