Essential Tips for a Quiet Booster Pump in an Apartment Building

Posted on: 12 August 2021

A functional and efficient booster pump is crucial in providing sufficient water pressure to every apartment in a block. However, as much as booster pumps provide residents with adequate water pressure, poor maintenance often leads to a noisy system. While noise might not be a problem in an industrial plant, it can be frustrating to apartment dwellers. It is even worse when you turn on your booster pumps early in the morning when some residents are still asleep. Luckily, you can follow best practices to control the amount of noise booster pumps produce.

Use Enough Booster Pumps 

The efficiency of booster pumps depends on the amount of work they are required to do. For example, one booster pump is not enough to pump water to all apartments in a 10-storey residential building. It is especially the case during peak hours when every resident needs water for laundry or showering. Such workload forces a pump to work extra hard, creating excess noise. Therefore, a property manager should hire a plumber to work out the number of booster pumps necessary to distribute water to an entire building efficiently and quietly.

Choose Pump Position Strategically

One of the most significant contributors to irritating booster pump noise is wrong positioning. Therefore, the installation location of booster pumps is critical to eliminating noise in a residential area. In most apartment buildings, booster pumps are located in the open above an underground water reservoir or the basement. However, the locations only intensify the noise coming from the pumps during operations. For instance, if you position booster pumps in the basement, the echo will reverberate along the walks, and residents will feel the vibrations, mainly if you use several pumps. Therefore, plumbers recommend that booster pumps be installed in an enclosed space lined with soundproofing material. If you cannot relocate a booster pump, build an enclosure around it to dampen the noise.

Use Vibration Isolators 

Booster pump vibrations are perhaps the most common source of noise. The vibrations come from pump pipes or when a machine is in contact with apartment building walls. While a soundproofing material can help dampen excess noise, using it with vibration isolators can help you achieve the level of silence residents desire. Notably, there are different types of vibrations; hence, you need a plumber to help you choose the most appropriate vibration isolators. For instance, noise from low-level vibrations can be reduced by placing a thick mat or pad beneath a pump. On the other hand, mid-level pump vibrations require springs or mounts to dampen the noise.

For more tips, contact a local pump supplier that offers products like Davey pumps.
