Is There More to Your Blocked Drains Than Poor Waste Management Habits?

Posted on: 6 October 2021

One of the leading causes of blocked drains in most homes is poor waste management. Habits such as pouring grease down the sink, dumping food waste into the disposal and flushing non-biodegradable products can cause drain clogs. However, households can experience frequent drain blockages even after adopting proper waste disposal habits. In these cases, there may be more to the blockage than poor waste management. Below are four other potential causes of frequently clogged drains in your home.

Broken drain pipes

Broken drain pipes allow in dirt and debris, which can cause a blockage in the piping. Damaged piping is also susceptible to invasion by the roots of both plants and trees. Once roots invade the piping, they block the passageway and slow down the flow of wastewater. If the blockage occurs on the main drain pipe, the entire house's drainage system will suffer. Therefore, inspect your drains for clogs resulting from physical damage to the piping.

Old copper drains

Copper is widely used in plumbing drains because of its longevity and performance. However, over time, copper can corrode due to exposure to chemicals with oxidising acids. These chemicals are usually contained in drain cleaning products. They react with the copper and cause it to break down. Regular use of these harsh chemicals can cause the pipe to break, which allows debris into the drains. Also, the residue from the corroded piping can settle inside the pipes and cause blockage.

Misaligned pipes

Pipe misalignment occurs when there is a break in the connection between two pipes. Misalignment can occur due to:

  • Invasion by tree roots
  • Unsettling of the subsoil structure underneath the piping
  • Heavy vehicular traffic above the installation area

When a misalignment occurs, wastewater leaks from the pipe to the surrounding soil. The leak further erodes the soil and causes the piping to collapse. The leak can also allow dirt and debris into the pipe, leading to blockage. 

Incorrectly installed drains

Poor drain installation can increase the risk of blockage. For example, drains should be properly vented to allow proper wastewater flow. Drain vents draw air into the piping to maintain air pressure and facilitate wastewater flow into the sewer system. Improper venting can cause slow drainage, even if your drains don't have any blockage.

Improper routing and connections in the main drain pipe can also cause clogs and slow drainage. If the joints aren't connected properly, they can come apart and trap waste and debris. To unearth installation faults in your drains, you need to employ drain cameras to see the inside of your pipes.

Are your drains getting clogged even after improving your flushing and waste disposal habits? You could be dealing with one of the above problems. Contact your plumber for drain cleaning and repairs.
